About Me
mY naM3 !s 3R!cA aLsO kNowN aS L!L 3 ! wUs bOrn In fOrT wOrTh i l!v3D h3r3 aLmOst aLl Of mY l!f3 r!gHt nOw ! gO 2 dAgg3tt DaTs w3r3 ! m3t mY b3sT fR!3nD SaRaH On3 t!m3 w3 sNuK !NtO aN aBaNdOnD nUrS!n hOm3 w!t h3r cOuS!n cLaRr!sSa N h3R fRi3nDs !t sM3ll L!K3 Sh!t SaRaH wUs sCaR3d !n !t tOOk Us A wH!Le 2 g3t h3r 2 f0ll0w Us D!n w3 g0t cAuGhT N tOld tH3m dAt R mOm wOrK3d tH3r3 tHeY BuLLdOs3d iT dA N3xT dAy sHe mOv3d tO m3x!cO aT dA 3nd Of Da Y3ar ! hAv3 anOtHa fR!3nDs 2 mAriSa N Kr!sT3n n mAr!Ah ! kNoWn h3r s!nCe w3 Wus LiTTl3 mY fAvOr!t3 cOlOrS R hOt p!nK rOyAl Blu3 N bAbY BlU3 ! gOt 1 p!tBuLL h!s nAm3 !s p3aNuT h3s BrOwN Wh!T3 On h!s sTOmaCh n gR33n eYes ! pLaY BaSkEtBalL mY n3xT gAm3 !s aT DuMbAR !ll b h3r3 LatA............
Name | erica chavez |
Gender | Female |
Age | 17 |
Location | Fort Worth, TX |
Ethnicity | Hispanic |
Interested in | Men |
Status | Single |
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Layouts | 1 |